
The curriculum is designed to provide:

Dual Enrollment Transfer Credit

General Course Descriptions

DE Calculus 1 (Syllabus link MTH 122)

Dual enrollment MTH 122 (4 credits) (May be taught in one OR two semesters)
This course includes the study of limits, continuity, derivatives (concept and definition), differentiation techniques, curve sketching, application of differentiation including related rates and optimization, and an introduction to antiderivatives (concept and definition), integration techniques, differential equations, and definite integrals with applications.

DE Integral Calculus (Calculus 2) (Syllabus link MTH 123)

Dual enrollment MTH 123 (4 credits)
This course includes the study of Riemann Sums, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules, antiderivatives, definite and indefinite integrals (concept and definition), integration techniques, applications of integrals, solving differential equations, parametric equations and polar curves, convergence of sequences and series, and Taylor and Maclaurin Series. 

DE Multivariate Calculus (Calculus 3) (Syllabus link MTH 224)

Dual enrollment MTH 224 (4 credits)
This course includes vector-valued functions, functions of several variables, vector fields, partial derivatives and multiple integrals. Computational techniques, geometry and theoretical structure, creative problem solving, and proofs are emphasized.  

Connections in Mathematics 

This course provides students with introductory experiences in symbolic logic, graph theory, probability, voting schemes and apportionment methods, personal finance, and mathematical proofs. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding, solving real world applications, using technology, and fostering mathematical reasoning and communication.


This course is an advanced level science class exploring the particle and wave nature of everyday phenomena. This physics curriculum includes dimensional analysis, velocity, linear acceleration, Newton’s laws, rotational motion, energy, waves, sound, electricity, and magnetism. Concepts are explored and applied through hands-on laboratories and using computer-based modeling. These investigations require data collection, analysis, and computer simulations that demonstrate the interdisciplinary relations among physics, life sciences, mathematics, and technology. The development of problem solving skills, analytical thinking, and effective communication are also stressed.

Dual enrollment PHY 141 (4 credits) and PHY 142 (4 credits)
This college credit course incorporates basic calculus and vector analysis. The curriculum includes Newtonian mechanics, conservation of energy, fluid mechanics, harmonic motion, circuits, magnetic fields, heat and thermodynamics, light and optics, nuclear physics, and modern physics. Concepts are further explored through inquiry-based laboratories, engineering applications, data analysis, project-based assignments, computational and programming applications using Python, and analysis of physics research.

DE Human Anatomy & Physiology (Syllabus link BIO 224; Syllabus link BIO 225)

Dual enrollment BIO 224 (4 credits) and BIO 225 (4 credits)
This college-level course presents the study of anatomy & physiology including anatomical terminology, homeostasis, histology, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, and endocrine system in the fall semester. Students will explore organ systems as they integrate within an organism and collect physiological data through hands-on lab experiences as well as healthcare professionals from different fields presenting as guest lecturers. 

DE Precalculus (Syllabus link MTH 121)

Dual enrollment MTH 121 (4 credits for the year-long course)
A pre-calculus course that includes an in-depth conceptual analysis of algebraic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions. Topics include graphical behavior, domains and ranges, roots (real & complex), the first derivative, graphing, application problem solving and data analysis, and an introduction to integration. Parametric equations are presented with a focus on applications and conceptual analysis. Analysis includes required algebraic proofs and/or conceptual explanations in written and oral presentations. Graphing calculators, spreadsheets, and a computer algebra system are used extensively. The study of matrices is included, and optional topics include an introduction to sequences and series.

Research Methods

This unique course is an introduction to the research process including literature research, project design, elementary statistical analysis, scientific writing and multimedia presentations. Each student completes an individual research project. Students design a study, collect and analyze data, and report the results in paper, PowerPoint, and poster formats. The statistical analysis of data is conducted using Microsoft Excel. During the second semester students complete a 36-hour internship.

Senior Seminar 

The Senior Seminar class begins with a program called the Leadership/Teamwork/Communications Design Challenge, or LTCDC. This mini-course is broken into three main sections. During the first section, students develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through various activities. The second section helps students implement those skills while working in small groups through various design and build robotic challenges. The third section is a design challenge consisting of the entire senior class working in subgroups to design a well-researched and detailed grant proposal for a scientific mission to a remote location. Following the LTCDC, students experience four five-week-long technology labs. In these labs, students explore and use sophisticated technologies choosing from among 3D Modeling & Additive Engineering, Anatomage Competition Team, Artificial Intelligence, Desktop Pulblishing & Yearbook, Drone Technologies, Physics of Electric Guitars, Laser Engraving and Subtractive Engineering, Mechatronics, Microbiology, Microscopy, Photoshop, Scientific Photography, Technology of Sewing, Video Production, and Virtual Reality. The Senior Seminar course culminates with in a Forensic Science Senior Capstone program which integrates their science, mathematics, research, and technology classroom experiences and skills. Students work in teams, each consisting of physical scienctists, biological scientists, and principal investigators. The student teams work challenging crime scenes as they apply their skills to collect a range of evidence and analyze the data in the hopes that they can solve the case.